SHRM Advocates on Capitol Hill For Evolving Workforce Strategies

“SHRM’s testimony today underscores several pivotal areas where organizations can concentrate their efforts to attract, retain, and empower the workforce. Very quickly, adopt skills-based hiring, invest in retention, leverage apprenticeship programs, modernize talent management processes… [W]e need to invest in people managers, upskill and reskill the workforce, create a culture of learning.”

Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President & CEO, SHRM

Johnny C. Taylor Jr.’s testimony on Capitol Hill yesterday morning — February 28, 2024 — emphasized how organizations can maneuver through the rapidly changing work landscape.

Highlighting the importance of adapting workplace strategies to meet the evolving needs and expectations of the five different generations now spanning the workforce, Mr. Taylor’s opening remarks painted a clear picture of the needs of the modern workplace.

In his address to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mr. Taylor outlined SHRM’s findings and perspectives on critical workforce issues, including the necessity of skills-based hiring and the modernization of talent management processes.

The changing landscape of workforce dynamics

The changing landscape of workforce dynamics can be encompassed by the employee-employer disconnect, the rise of a multigenerational workforce, and increasing labor shortages.

The employee-employer disconnect

“Nearly 9 in 10 workers believe fair compensation from current employers should be the top priority for organizations in 2024, yet only 27% of HR executives say this is their top priority.”

This disconnect between employees and employers is just one of the many challenges faced in today’s workforce.

The rise of a multigenerational workforce

With five completely different generations now occupying the workplace, companies face new challenges.

Each generation has its values, preferences, and expectations regarding work, making it increasingly difficult for organizations to create one-size-fits-all policies and practices.

Increasing labor shortages

More than two-thirds of employers have said they can’t find enough people with the necessary skills to fill their open positions.

This shortage of skilled workers is expected to continue, making it crucial for organizations to invest in upskilling and reskilling current employees and implementing innovative methods of attracting and retaining top talent.

SHRM’s recommendations for organizations

SHRM’s recommendations for organizations to focus their efforts include adopting skills based hiring, investing in people managers, and creating a culture of learning.

  1. Adopt skills-based hiring
  2. Invest in retention strategies
  3. Leverage apprenticeship programs
  4. Modernize talent management processes
  5. Invest in people managers
  6. Upskill and reskilling initiatives
  7. Create a culture of learning
  8. Embrace AI responsibly
  9. Focus on human-machine collaboration

Adopt skills-based hiring

Rather than focusing solely on traditional qualifications and experience, SHRM recommends that organizations implement skills-based hiring.

This approach allows for a more diverse and inclusive workforce, as individuals with non-traditional backgrounds can also demonstrate valuable skills.

Invest in retention strategies

With the increasing competition for skilled workers, it’s important for organizations to prioritize retaining their current employees.

This can include offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, creating opportunities for career advancement, and promoting a positive workplace culture.

Leverage apprenticeship programs

Apprenticeships effectively bridge the skills gap and provide valuable on-the-job training for individuals looking to enter the workforce or switch careers.

SHRM encourages organizations to explore apprenticeship programs to attract and develop talent.

Modernize talent management processes

Outdated talent management processes can hinder an organization’s attracting and retaining top talent.

Modernizing processes such as performance evaluations and career development plans can better align with the needs and expectations of today’s workforce.

Invest in people managers

A significant number of Gen Z and millennial workers say they would leave an employer to go make less money if they get to work for a more empathetic leader.

This is why effective people managers are crucial for creating a positive work environment, supporting the development of employees, and retaining top talent.

Upskill and reskilling initiatives

As technology continues to advance and job roles evolve, organizations must prioritize upskilling and reskilling initiatives for their current employees.

This helps close the skills gap and shows a commitment to employee development and retention.

Create a culture of learning

In addition to formal training programs, organizations should create a continuous learning culture.

This can include providing access to resources and opportunities for employees to learn new skills and stay updated on industry trends.

Embrace AI responsibly

While advancements in technology, particularly artificial intelligence, have the potential to improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace, organizations need to use AI responsibly.

This includes ensuring fair and ethical practices and prioritizing employee well-being.

Focus on human-machine collaboration

Rather than viewing technology as a threat to jobs, SHRM encourages organizations to embrace human-machine collaboration.

By leveraging the strengths of both humans and machines, organizations can achieve even greater success and innovation.

The role of staffing industries in driving change

The role of staffing industries in driving change involves addressing workforce challenges, promoting diversity and inclusion, encouraging flexible and agile work arrangements, implementing SHRM’s recommended strategies, and their expertise in filling niche talent needs.

Addressing workforce challenges through staffing agencies

Staffing agencies are crucial in helping organizations navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing workforce.

They can provide access to a diverse talent pool, assist with skills-based hiring, and help with upskilling and reskilling initiatives.

Promoting diversity and inclusion

Staffing agencies also have an opportunity to drive change by promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Partnering with organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion can help create more inclusive workplaces.

Encouraging agile and flexible work arrangements

The rise of the gig economy and remote work has changed how people view traditional job structures.

Staffing agencies can support these changes by offering flexible and agile work arrangements to attract top talent.

Staffing agencies can also play a role in implementing SHRM’s recommended strategies for organizations.

By working closely with their clients, they can provide guidance and support in adopting skills-based hiring, modernizing talent management processes, and investing in people managers.

Staffing agencies can also drive change by providing insights into industry trends and workforce data.

This can help organizations stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about their talent management strategies.

Expertise in filling niche talent needs

With their access to a wide range of candidate profiles and networks, staffing agencies are often equipped to fill niche talent needs that organizations may struggle with on their own.

This can be particularly valuable in today’s rapidly evolving job market.

Attracting, retaining, and empowering the workforce

To thrive in the face of a changing workforce, organizations must prioritize attracting and retaining top talent.

This can be achieved through implementing SHRM’s recommended strategies, partnering with staffing agencies, and creating a culture that values continuous learning and growth.

By investing in their workforce and embracing change, organizations can position themselves for success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

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