Internet Privacy: Why Facebook is Asking For Better Internet Protection

From the infamous Cambridge Analytica incident to the October breach that saw the data of 14 million users fall into the hands of hackers, it’s clear that Facebook has had a rocky relationship with privacy over the last few years.

However, in recent months the founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has been calling for government intervention, along with enhanced regulations across the world wide web.

It seems that if you’re looking to keep your company’s data safe, now’s the time to uncover what Facebook’s proposed privacy plans will mean for your business and the type of talent you’ll need to help enhance your internet protection.

Zuckerberg’s Internet Protection Plans

The social network has faced criticism over its efforts to combat disinformation and harmful content, as well as its handling of user information.

Yet in his Washington Post op-ed, Zuckerberg calls for policies that would take the burden off social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or even YouTube, and shift that responsibility to the government.

Zuckerberg went on to say, “Lawmakers often tell me we have too much power over speech, and frankly, I agree. I’ve come to believe that we shouldn’t make so many important decisions about speech on our own.”

Four areas of Internet protection improvement

  1. Harmful content
  2. Election integrity
  3. Privacy
  4. Data portability

He suggests that through regulated and annual transparency reports, standardized monitoring of misinformation, and national rules on data and user privacy, we can minimize the chances of data misuse and stolen information.

Use of the GDPR for Internet protection

Zuckerberg recommends the United States should follow the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in order to create this harmonized internet protection framework.

This plan would, in theory, allow businesses like yours to choose how their information is used, stored, and protected, while the government’s intervention would hold social networks and internet providers accountable for data misuse.

Steps to Enhance Your Internet Protection

Despite Facebook’s announcement to create a privacy committee and hire an external assessor, appointed by the Federal Trade Commission, Zuckerberg’s internet protection suggestions have received a cold reception from the industry at large; with many viewing this as a way for the platform to shape future regulations in their favor.

There’s no way to tell if these plans will be implemented or ignored, but if your business needs to enhance its protection of the sensitive data stored on your social media accounts, learn how these strategies can help you today.

Stay informed on cybersecurity 

From 5G vulnerabilities to phishing attacks, and devastating ransomware attacks, in order to ensure your business has the best internet protection plan, you must stay updated on the latest cyber attacks that could cripple your enterprise.

Utilize social media, follow insightful thought leaders, and invest in resources and talent with the skill sets necessary to keep you protected.

Train current cybersecurity talent 

It’s a must that your current Tech talent know how to protect your business data and ensure compliance with any new or future regulations.

From risk assessments to working with internet security and compliance experts, you must invest in your current talents’ knowledge of best practices while online.

Invest in AI Security

AI technology is expanding its capabilities every day, why not start incorporating AI into your internet protection plans?

This technology can streamline the detection of cyber threats, helping you mitigate attacks.

Through biometric logins, AI can protect sensitive consumer information stored on your company’s Facebook page.

Investing in AI can help those lacking the funds to onboard a full-time hire but still need to increase their security efforts.

The future of Internet privacy

Though Zuckerberg said he’s committed to a future where online activities are encrypted and kept private; there’s no telling if his proposed internet protection plans will receive any support or if they will be implemented by the government.

There’s no need to wait for Facebook or the government to provide better online safety; if you need cybersecurity professionals who can protect your online assets, contact Mondo today.

Our recruiters will match you with qualified Tech experts to help your business comply with any future privacy regulations, while also protecting sensitive consumer data.

Looking to hire top-tier Tech, Digital Marketing, or Creative Talent? We can help.

Every year, Mondo helps to fill over 2,000 open positions nationwide.

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